Trump’s ‘Very Sad’ When Police Kill Is the New ‘Thoughts and Prayers’

Eric Garner. Sandra Bland. Philando Castile. Alton Sterling. Michael Brown. Their names and those of far too many other unarmed African-Americans killed by police (or in their custody) have become a grim litany etched in the memories of a whole generation of Americans. 

And now, George Floyd, who was violently detained for a “forgery in progress” on Monday by as many as four Minneapolis police officers, including one with a knee pressing his neck into the ground, has become yet another casualty of excessive force.

Floyd’s death stands apart because his death represents perhaps the most high profile case of this nature to occur during Trump’s presidency. His predecessor, Barack Obama was routinely confronted with these kinds of tragedies. And as the first black president and a progressive, he was not only expected to weigh in on them but was practically required to by his base and the media establishment.

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